Source Code

Enhance your workflow with CyberAccord’s code quality and security services. We offer thousands of automated code checks to protect your apps on multiple fronts.
What is Code Analysis?
Code analysis reviews your application’s source code to unearth any flaws that developers tend to overlook. Code vulnerability can expose your IT ecosystem to threats. Insecure desktop, mobile, or web application codes could potentially allow hackers to access your IT systems.
Why CyberAccord’s Secure Code Analysis?
We embrace multi-language applications, and our code analysis is distributed over numerous programming languages. Regardless of which language you are using, we’ll provide a line-by-line inspection to find even the slightest flaws.

Our source code analysis helps in the following;


Cooperating with your organization for periodic code review as part of your SLDC


Reviewing existing codes to detect any security flaws before deployment


Reviewing product source codes for quality assurance


Guiding developers on secure app development


Remediation for security flaws detected

We leverage both dynamic and static analysis techniques to map out complex codes for seamless analysis. Our mission is to empower developers and build health teams around code security and quality.
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